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2013-07-24 07:54:04

hallo Friedrich

Im deutschsprachigen Forum bitte in Deutsch schreiben, für Benutzer mit guten englisch Kenntnissen gibt es das englischsprachige Forum :

2013-07-23 22:26:32


first of all; i love piwigo and thank you for making it available to everyone!!

if you want to manage pictures, putting them on some kind of server is actually the only good solution on long run so piwigo is coming really close to what i have in mind;)

i want to use piwigo as a family album where every family member can upload photos AND can chose whether those pictures/albums can be seen by the whole family or just him/herself. Is there a possible way to do that?

i want piwigo set up, so every member of the family wants to upload their photos, because its safe, there is a lot of dataspace and they dont have to share it with the whole family if they dont want to.

piwigo is my last chance, every other software is pretty much useless! :/

Thank You!!


Brett Fußzeile

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