Piwigo glänzt, wenn es darum geht tausende oder sogar hunderttausende Fotos zu klassifizieren.
Geboren im Jahr 2002 hat Piwigo seine Nutzer seit mehr als 22 Jahren unterstützt. Und sich verbessert!
Der Source Code ist verfügbar, prüfbar und dank Plugins und Themen erweiterbar.
With Piwigo's help we have put over 3,800 photos on our website to display the village and its people, both past and present and so it has become a history of our past, a record of our achievements. Piwigo enables us to link items together, in a time frame, and provide details through photo enlargements and text and be a depository for photos that can be used by all. Our school's children learn the history of the village and by the use of the quizzes learn about how to research subjects.
Robert Macfarlane, Swanland Heritage Centre
With Piwigo, all of our Siblu brand graphic elements are accessible and available for our 19 campsites in France. This is a real time saving for all teams. Piwigo offers an easy-to-use and very useful classification tool, which enables us to quickly find photos or videos thanks to tags, albums or comments.
Émilie Sancéau, Siblu
I have used Piwigo for many years and am very pleased with it. I run numerous websites with various gallery solutions, however Piwigo is by far the best and I use Piwigo on all my important websites. Using Piwigo I can create a web gallery exactly how I want it. In my own case, I want the my photographs to look as good as possible so I have a very simple gallery with large images. I also want the images to be found and that is made easy by the gallery structure and search function.
Jonathan Webb
I like to publish my photos and I started 2013 using koken. koken is no longer maintained, I made my change to Piwigo in 2020 as it offers a lot of possibilities and a good support based on the community behind. Piwigo's history was enough reason to expect a system with ongoing maintenance and development different to koken. A system which is open and free is in my view a choice which can last for a long time.
Ulf Tietjen
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