Piwigo glänzt, wenn es darum geht tausende oder sogar hunderttausende Fotos zu klassifizieren.
Geboren im Jahr 2002 hat Piwigo seine Nutzer seit mehr als 22 Jahren unterstützt. Und sich verbessert!
Der Source Code ist verfügbar, prüfbar und dank Plugins und Themen erweiterbar.
When we had to change the university's existing photo library solution in a hurry, Piwigo seemed a good compromise. We needed a solution that was quick and easy to set up, enabling us to technically manage a large image database with indexing, metadata management and search capabilities akin to an EDM or DAM solution, a real publishing and sharing interface with access rights management, operational interfacing with the school's information system and seamless integration into my Lightroom workflow. After two years, Piwigo has given us a great deal of satisfaction, far beyond the transitional solution we expected. Although the DAM functions still need to be enhanced, the flexibility provided by the customization and plug-in system and the open source development mode make it a scalable, adaptable and robust solution, capable of elegantly covering the essentials.
Pascal Levy, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Piwigo is a very high performance, very versatile gallery program. It offers a good selection of attractive themes. It also offers good technical support from it's staff and from fellow users.
Robert Deming, Filmpack Camera Club
Feeding an online photo library was a real challenge for us! The platform is fun, ergonomic and compatible with our other software. A real time saver, a success!
Nicolas, Parc naturel régional des Landes de Gascogne
I chose Piwigo to have a photo library shared between our 9 campuses in France, India, Congo and Cameroon. Everyone can add and use files on our shared space. We can also give access to our external service providers: it saves us time and improves efficiency. The features are complete, the support is responsive and the price very competitive.
Germain Dutilleul, ICAM
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