Seiten: 1 2
Hallo ihr Lieben,
ich habe versucht die vorhandenen Plugins sowie ein neues Plugin zu aktivieren.
Leider kommt immer die Fehlermeldung "ein Fehler ist aufgetreten".
Ist das Problem bekannt und kann mir einer sagen wie dieser zustande kommt?
Würde mich über eine Rückmeldung sehr freuen.
Liebe Grüße
Wenn du mir sagst, wo ich die Logs finde, bekommst du alles :)
Piwigo 12.2.0 Prüfen, ob eine neue Version verfügbar ist.
Betriebssystem: Linux
PHP: 8.0.18 (Info anzeigen) [2022-04-23 20:36:05]
MySQL: 5.7.37 [2022-04-23 22:36:05]
Grafikbibliothek: ImageMagick 6.9.10-68
Größe des Cache 0 Mo berechnet vor 3 Stunden
on line
: Undefined array key "pwg_plugin_manager_view" in
on line
: Undefined array key "pwg_plugin_manager_view" in
on line
/home/oltqotye/public_html/_data/templates_c/p6jhns^ce99ea5a466f9709e860d90324132be7fc46e286_0.file.plugins_installed.tpl.php on line 407
Warning: Undefined array key "pwg_plugin_manager_view" in /home/oltqotye/public_html/_data/templates_c/p6jhns^ce99ea5a466f9709e860d90324132be7fc46e286_0.file.plugins_installed.tpl.php on line 407
Warning: Undefined array key "pwg_plugin_manager_view" in /home/oltqotye/public_html/_data/templates_c/p6jhns^ce99ea5a466f9709e860d90324132be7fc46e286_0.file.plugins_installed.tpl.php on line 407
Ich bin bei gigawebhost
Ich nutze die Version: 12.2.0
Ich habe jetzt nochmal alles heruntergeworfen und neu installiert, leider ist der Fehler immer noch vorhanden.
Falls jemand eine Idee hat, gerne melden. Wäre super dankbar
Hm ich weiss nicht wie gut das ganze mit php8 läuft.
Der Fehler sieht sehr komisch aus. Wie hast du das installiert? Netinstall oder per FTP/SCP hochgeladen?
Wenn ich mich recht entsinne, kommt am Anfang eine kleine Einführung. Hast du diese durchgeklickt?
Ich versuche heute Abend mal einen Blick bei mir rauf zu werfen ob ein DB Eintrag oder so angesprochen wird.
Ich habe das über meinen Webhoster gemacht, dort hat man die Möglichkeit Apps direkt zu installieren.
Bist du hier der einzige der sich auskennt? :D
Ist die Community tot?
was steht denn in der Datei, die auf "file.plugins_installed.tpl.php" endet in Zeile 401?
Da sollte dies hier stehen:
<input type="radio" name="layout" class="switchLayout" id="displayClassic" <?php if ($_COOKIE['pwg_plugin_manager_view'] == 'classic' || !$_COOKIE['pwg_plugin_manager_view']) {?>checked<?php }?>/><label for="displayClassic"><span class="icon-pause firstIcon tiptip" title="<?php echo l10n('Classic View');?>
Möglicherweise hakt es auch an der Installationsroutine des Hosters - ich würde Piwigo herunterladen, mit Filezilla oder WinSCP per FTP hochladen und dann durch Aufruf der Domain Piwigo 'per Hand'installieren.
Oli schrieb:
Ich habe das über meinen Webhoster gemacht, dort hat man die Möglichkeit Apps direkt zu installieren.
Bist du hier der einzige der sich auskennt? :D
Ist die Community tot?
Ich würde das auch von Hand installieren.
Hm die deutschsprachige war schon immer sehr mau besetzt. Im engl. Bereich sind die Entwickler unterwegs und da ist mehr los.
Bei so komischen Problemen bin ich oft einer der wenigen hier die dann mal reinschauen.
Hey Ralf die datei file.plugins_installed.tpl.php kann ich nirgendwo finden.
Auch nachdem ich alles per Hand instal. habe, taucht der Fehler weiterhin auf.
Ich kann auch keine Plugins aktivieren oder deinstal.
Ich glaube das müsste die Datei sein:
Ich habe gerade das zip … ode=latest
heruntergeladen und reingeschaut. Da ist die Datei auch drin.
Kommt die Tour wenn du nach der Installation dich das erste mal anmeldest? Früher gab es mal ein Problem wenn man diese abgebrochen hat.
Kannst du das Hosting auf php 7.4 umstellen zum testen?
Ralf schrieb:
was steht denn in der Datei, die auf "file.plugins_installed.tpl.php" endet in Zeile 401?
Da sollte dies hier stehen:
<input type="radio" name="layout" class="switchLayout" id="displayClassic" <?php if ($_COOKIE['pwg_plugin_manager_view'] == 'classic' || !$_COOKIE['pwg_plugin_manager_view']) {?>checked<?php }?>/><label for="displayClassic"><span class="icon-pause firstIcon tiptip" title="<?php echo l10n('Classic View');?>
Bei mir steht das nicht in Zeile 401
{combine_script id='jquery.ajaxmanager' load='footer' require='jquery' path='themes/default/js/plugins/jquery.ajaxmanager.js' } {combine_script id='common' load='footer' path='admin/themes/default/js/common.js'} {combine_script id='jquery.cookie' path='themes/default/js/jquery.cookie.js' load='footer'} {footer_script require='jquery.ajaxmanager'} /* incompatible message */ var incompatible_msg = '{'WARNING! This plugin does not seem to be compatible with this version of Piwigo.'|@translate|@escape:'javascript'}'; var activate_msg = '\n{'Do you want to activate anyway?'|@translate|@escape:'javascript'}'; var deactivate_all_msg = '{'Deactivate all'|@translate}'; var showInactivePlugins = function() { jQuery(".showInactivePlugins").fadeOut(complete=function(){ jQuery(".plugin-inactive").fadeIn(); }) } /* group action */ const pwg_token = '{$PWG_TOKEN}'; var nb_plugin = { 'all' : {$count_types_plugins["active"]} + {$count_types_plugins["inactive"]} + {$count_types_plugins["missing"]} + {$count_types_plugins["merged"]}, 'active' : {$count_types_plugins["active"]}, 'inactive' : {$count_types_plugins["inactive"]}, 'other' : {$count_types_plugins["missing"]} + {$count_types_plugins["merged"]}, }; const are_you_sure_msg = '{'Are you sure?'|@translate|@escape:'javascript'}'; const confirm_msg = '{"Yes, I am sure"|@translate}'; const cancel_msg = "{"No, I have changed my mind"|@translate}"; let delete_plugin_msg = '{'Are you sure you want to delete the plugin "%s"?'|@translate|@escape:'javascript'}'; let deleted_plugin_msg = '{'Plugin "%s" deleted!'|@translate|@escape:'javascript'}'; let restore_plugin_msg = '{'Are you sure you want to restore the plugin "%s"?'|@translate|@escape:'javascript'}'; const restore_tip_msg = "{'Restore default configuration. You will lose your plugin settings!'|@translate|@escape:'javascript'}"; const plugin_added_str = '{'Activated'|@translate|@escape:'javascript'}'; const plugin_deactivated_str = '{'Deactivated'|@translate|@escape:'javascript'}'; const plugin_restored_str = '{'Restored'|@translate|@escape:'javascript'}'; const plugin_action_error = '{'an error happened'|@translate|@escape:'javascript'}'; const not_webmaster = '{'Webmaster status required'|@translate|@escape:'javascript'}'; const nothing_found = '{'No plugins found'|@translate|@escape:'javascript'}'; const x_plugins_found = '{'%s plugins found'|@translate|@escape:'javascript'}'; const plugin_found = '{'%s plugin found'|@translate|@escape:'javascript'}'; const isWebmaster = {$isWebmaster}; {literal} var queuedManager = jQuery.manageAjax.create('queued', { queue: true, maxRequests: 1 }); var nb_plugins = jQuery('').size(); var done = 0; /* group action */ jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery('div.deactivate_all a').click(function() { $.confirm({ title: deactivate_all_msg, buttons: { confirm: { text: confirm_msg, btnClass: 'btn-red', action: function () { jQuery('').each(function() { performPluginDeactivate(jQuery(this).attr('id')); }) } }, cancel: { text: cancel_msg } }, ...jConfirm_confirm_options }); }); function performPluginDeactivate(id) { queuedManager.add({ type: 'GET', dataType: 'json', url: 'ws.php', data: { method: 'pwg.plugins.performAction', action: 'deactivate', plugin: id, pwg_token: pwg_token, format: 'json' }, success: function(data) { if (data['stat'] == 'ok') jQuery("#"+id).removeClass('active').addClass('inactive'); done++; if (done == nb_plugins) location.reload(); } }); }; /* incompatible plugins */ jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery.ajax({ method: 'GET', url: 'admin.php', data: { page: 'plugins_installed', incompatible_plugins: true }, dataType: 'json', success: function(data) { for (i=0;i<data.length;i++) { jQuery('#'+data[i]+' .pluginMiniBoxNameCell').prepend('<i class="icon-attention" title="'+incompatible_msg+'"></i> '); jQuery('#'+data[i]).addClass('incompatible'); jQuery('#'+data[i]+' .activate').each(function () { $(this).pwg_jconfirm_follow_href({ alert_title: incompatible_msg + activate_msg, alert_confirm: confirm_msg, alert_cancel: cancel_msg }); }); } jQuery('.warning').tipTip({ 'delay' : 0, 'fadeIn' : 200, 'fadeOut' : 200, 'maxWidth':'250px' }); } }); }); jQuery('.fullInfo').tipTip({ 'delay' : 500, 'fadeIn' : 200, 'fadeOut' : 200, 'maxWidth':'300px', 'keepAlive':false, }); /* Add the '...' for the overflow of the description line*/ jQuery( document ).ready(function () { jQuery('.pluginDesc').each(function () { var el = jQuery(this).context; var wordArray = el.innerHTML.split(' '); if (el.scrollHeight > el.offsetHeight) { jQuery(this).attr('title', jQuery(this).html()) } while(el.scrollHeight > el.offsetHeight) { wordArray.pop(); el.innerHTML = wordArray.join(' ') + '...'; } }) }); /*Add the filter research*/ jQuery( document ).ready(function () { document.onkeydown = function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 58) { jQuery(".pluginFilter").focus(); return false; } } jQuery(".pluginFilter input").on("input", function() { let text = jQuery(this).val().toLowerCase(); var searchNumber = 0; var searchActive = 0; var searchInactive = 0; var searchOther = 0; $(".pluginMiniBox").each(function() { if (text == "") { jQuery(".nbPluginsSearch").hide(); if ($("#seeAll").is(":checked")) { jQuery(this).show(); } if ($("#seeActive").is(":checked") && jQuery(this).hasClass("plugin-active")) { jQuery(this).show(); } if ($("#seeInactive").is(":checked") && jQuery(this).hasClass("plugin-inactive")) { jQuery(this).show(); } if ($("#seeOther").is(":checked") && (jQuery(this).hasClass("plugin-merged") || jQuery(this).hasClass("plugin-missing"))) { jQuery(this).show(); } if ($(this).hasClass("plugin-active")) { searchActive++; } if ($(this).hasClass("plugin-inactive")) { searchInactive++; } if (($(this).hasClass("plugin-merged") || $(this).hasClass("plugin-missing"))) { searchOther++; } searchNumber++ nb_plugin.all = searchNumber; = searchActive; nb_plugin.inactive = searchInactive; nb_plugin.other = searchOther; } else { jQuery(".nbPluginsSearch").show(); let name = jQuery(this).find(".pluginMiniBoxNameCell").text().toLowerCase(); let description = jQuery(this).find(".pluginDesc").text().toLowerCase(); if ( != -1 || != -1){ searchNumber++; if ($("#seeAll").is(":checked")) { jQuery(this).show(); } if ($("#seeActive").is(":checked") && jQuery(this).hasClass("plugin-active")) { jQuery(this).show(); } if ($("#seeInactive").is(":checked") && jQuery(this).hasClass("plugin-inactive")) { jQuery(this).show(); } if ($("#seeOther").is(":checked") && (jQuery(this).hasClass("plugin-merged") || jQuery(this).hasClass("plugin-missing"))) { jQuery(this).show(); } if ($(this).hasClass("plugin-active")) { searchActive++; } if ($(this).hasClass("plugin-inactive")) { searchInactive++; } if (($(this).hasClass("plugin-merged") || $(this).hasClass("plugin-missing"))) { searchOther++; } nb_plugin.all = searchNumber; = searchActive; nb_plugin.inactive = searchInactive; nb_plugin.other = searchOther; } else { jQuery(this).hide(); nb_plugin.all = searchNumber; = searchActive; nb_plugin.inactive = searchInactive; nb_plugin.other = searchOther; } } }) actualizeFilter(); if (searchNumber == 0) { jQuery(".nbPluginsSearch").html(nothing_found); } else if (searchNumber == 1) { jQuery(".nbPluginsSearch").html(plugin_found.replace("%s", searchNumber)); } else { jQuery(".nbPluginsSearch").html(x_plugins_found.replace("%s", searchNumber)); } }); }); /* Show Inactive plugins or button to show them*/ jQuery( document ).ready(function () { jQuery(".showInactivePlugins button").on('click', showInactivePlugins) }); }); $(document).mouseup(function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); $(".pluginMiniBox").each(function() { if ($(this).find(".showOptions").has( === 0) { $(this).find(".PluginOptionsBlock").hide(); } }) }); function actualizeFilter() { $("label[for='seeAll'] .filter-badge").html(nb_plugin.all); $("label[for='seeActive'] .filter-badge").html(; $("label[for='seeInactive'] .filter-badge").html(nb_plugin.inactive); $("label[for='seeOther'] .filter-badge").html(nb_plugin.other); $(".filterLabel").show(); $(".pluginMiniBox").each(function () { if ( == 0) { $("label[for='seeActive']").hide(); if ($("#seeActive").is(":checked")) { $("#seeAll").trigger("click") } } if (nb_plugin.inactive == 0) { $("label[for='seeInactive']").hide(); if ($("#seeInactive").is(":checked")) { $("#seeAll").trigger("click") } } if (nb_plugin.other == 0) { $("label[for='seeOther']").hide(); if ($("#seeOther").is(":checked")) { $("#seeAll").trigger("click") } } }) } jQuery(".pluginMiniBox").each(function(index){ let myplugin = jQuery(this); myplugin.find(".showOptions").click(function(){ myplugin.find(".PluginOptionsBlock").toggle(); }); }) {/literal} {/footer_script} {combine_script id='jquery.confirm' load='footer' require='jquery' path='themes/default/js/plugins/jquery-confirm.min.js'} {combine_css path="themes/default/js/plugins/jquery-confirm.min.css"} {combine_script id='tiptip' load='header' path='themes/default/js/plugins/jquery.tipTip.minified.js'} {combine_script id='pluginInstallated' load='footer' path='admin/themes/default/js/plugins_installated.js'} <div class="titrePage"> <h2>{'Plugins'|@translate}</h2> </div> {if isset($plugins)} {assign var='field_name' value='null'} {* <!-- 'counter' for fieldset management --> *} {counter start=0 assign=i} {* <!-- counter for 'deactivate all' link --> *} <div class="pluginTypeFilter"> <input type="radio" name="p-filter" class="filter" id="seeAll" {if $count_types_plugins["active"] <= 0} checked {/if}><label for="seeAll">{'All'|@translate}<span class="filter-badge">X</span></label><input type="radio" name="p-filter" class="filter" id="seeActive" {if $count_types_plugins["active"] > 0} checked {/if}><label class="filterLabel" for="seeActive">{'Activated'|@translate}<span class="filter-badge">X</span></label><input type="radio" name="p-filter" class="filter" id="seeInactive"><label class="filterLabel" for="seeInactive">{'Deactivated'|@translate}<span class="filter-badge">X</span></label><input type="radio" name="p-filter" class="filter" id="seeOther"><label class="filterLabel" for="seeOther">{'Other'|@translate}<span class="filter-badge">X</span></label> </div> <div class="nbPluginsSearch"></div> <div class="pluginFilter"> <span class="icon-search search-icon"></span> <span class="icon-cancel search-cancel"></span> <input class='search-input' type="text" placeholder="{'Search'|@translate}"> </div> <div class="AlbumViewSelector"> <input type="radio" name="layout" class="switchLayout" id="displayClassic" {if $smarty.cookies.pwg_plugin_manager_view == 'classic' || !$smarty.cookies.pwg_plugin_manager_view}checked{/if}/><label for="displayClassic"><span class="icon-pause firstIcon tiptip" title="{'Classic View'|translate}"></span></label><input type="radio" name="layout" class="switchLayout" id="displayLine" {if $smarty.cookies.pwg_plugin_manager_view == 'line'}checked{/if}/><label for="displayLine"><span class="icon-th-list tiptip" title="{'Line View'|translate}"></span></label><input type="radio" name="layout" class="switchLayout" id="displayCompact" {if $smarty.cookies.pwg_plugin_manager_view == 'compact'}checked{/if}/><label for="displayCompact"><span class="icon-th-large lastIcon tiptip" title="{'Compact View'|translate}"></span></label> </div> <div class="pluginContainer {if $smarty.cookies.pwg_plugin_manager_view == 'classic'} classic {elseif $smarty.cookies.pwg_plugin_manager_view == 'line'} line {elseif $smarty.cookies.pwg_plugin_manager_view == 'compact'} compact {else} {/if}"> {foreach from=$plugins item=plugin name=plugins_loop} {if not empty($plugin.AUTHOR)} {if not empty($plugin.AUTHOR_URL)} {assign var='author' value="<a href='%s'>%s</a>"|@sprintf:$plugin.AUTHOR_URL:$plugin.AUTHOR} {else} {assign var='author' value='<u>'|cat:$plugin.AUTHOR|cat:'</u>'} {/if} {/if} {if not empty($plugin.VISIT_URL)} {assign var='version' value="<a class='externalLink' href='"|cat:$plugin.VISIT_URL|cat:"'>"|cat:$plugin.VERSION|cat:"</a>"} {else} {assign var='version' value=$plugin.VERSION} {/if} <div id="{$plugin.ID}" class="pluginMiniBox {$plugin.STATE} plugin-{$plugin.STATE}"> <div class="AddPluginSuccess pluginNotif"> <label class="icon-ok"> <span>{'Plugin activated'|@translate}</span> </label> </div> <div class="DeactivatePluginSuccess pluginNotif"> <label class="icon-ok"> <span>{'Plugin deactivated'|@translate}</span> </label> </div> <div class="RestorePluginSuccess pluginNotif"> <label class="icon-ok"> <span>{'Plugin deactivated'|@translate}</span> </label> </div> <div class="PluginActionError pluginNotif"> <label class="icon-cancel"> <span>{'Plugin deactivated'|@translate}</span> </label> </div> <div class="pluginContent"> <div class="PluginOptionsIcons"> {if $plugin.STATE == 'active' || $plugin.STATE == 'inactive'} <a class="icon-ellipsis-v showOptions showInfo" ></a> {/if} </div> <label class="switch"> <input type="checkbox" id="toggleSelectionMode" {if {$plugin.STATE} === "active"}checked{/if}> <span class="slider round"></span> </label> <div class="pluginActionsSmallIcons"> {if $plugin.STATE == 'active'} {if $plugin.SETTINGS_URL != ''} <div class="tiptip" title="{'Settings'|@translate}"> <a href="{$plugin.SETTINGS_URL}"><span class="icon-cog"></span></a> </div> {else} <div class="tiptip" title="{'N/A'|translate}"> <a><i class="icon-cog"></i></a> </div> {/if} {elseif $plugin.STATE == 'inactive'} {if $plugin.SETTINGS_URL != ''} <div class="tiptip" title="{'Settings'|@translate}"> <a href="{$plugin.SETTINGS_URL}"><span class="icon-cog"></span></a> </div> {else} <div class="tiptip" title="{'N/A'|@translate}"> <a><i class="icon-cog"></i></a> </div> {/if} {elseif $plugin.STATE == 'missing'} <div class="tiptip" title="{'Uninstall'|@translate}"> <a class="uninstall-plugin-button" href="{$plugin.U_ACTION}&action=uninstall"></a> </div> {elseif $plugin.STATE == 'merged'} <div class="tiptip" title="{'Delete'|@translate}"> <a class="" href="{$plugin.U_ACTION}&action=delete"></a> </div> {/if} </div> <div class="PluginOptionsBlock dropdown"> <div class="dropdown-option-content"> {if !empty($author)}{'By %s'|@translate:$author} | {/if}{'Version'|@translate} {$version}</div> <div class="pluginDescCompact"> {$plugin.DESC} </div> <a class="dropdown-option icon-back-in-time plugin-restore separator-top">{'Restore'|@translate}</a> <a class="dropdown-option icon-trash delete-plugin-button separator-top">{'Delete'|@translate}</a> </div> <div class="pluginMiniBoxNameCell" data-title="{$plugin.NAME}"> {$plugin.NAME} </div> <div class="pluginDesc"> {$plugin.DESC} </div> <div class="pluginActions"> {if $plugin.STATE == 'active'} {if $plugin.SETTINGS_URL != ''} <a href="{$plugin.SETTINGS_URL}" class="pluginActionLevel1 icon-cog">{'Settings'|@translate}</a> {else} <a class="pluginUnavailableAction icon-cog tiptip" title="{'N/A'|translate}">{'Settings'|@translate}</a> {/if} {elseif $plugin.STATE == 'inactive'} {if $plugin.SETTINGS_URL != ''} <a href="{$plugin.SETTINGS_URL}" class="pluginUnavailableAction icon-cog">{'Settings'|@translate}</a> {else} <a class="pluginUnavailableAction icon-cog tiptip" title="{'N/A'|translate}">{'Settings'|@translate}</a> {/if} {elseif $plugin.STATE == 'missing'} <a class="pluginActionLevel3 uninstall-plugin-button" href="{$plugin.U_ACTION}&action=uninstall">{'Uninstall'|@translate}</a> {elseif $plugin.STATE == 'merged'} <a class="pluginActionLevel3" href="{$plugin.U_ACTION}&action=delete">{'Delete'|@translate}</a> {/if} </div> </div> </div> {/foreach} </div> {/if} <style> .AlbumViewSelector { position: absolute; right: 20px; z-index: 2; height: 43px; display: flex; align-items: center; transform: translateY(6px); } .AlbumViewSelector { padding: 0px; margin-right: 0px; border-radius: 7px; } .AlbumViewSelector span { border-radius: 0; padding: 8px; } /* Should be done with :first-child and :last-child but doesn't work */ .AlbumViewSelector label span.firstIcon{ border-radius: 7px 0 0 7px; } .AlbumViewSelector label span.lastIcon{ border-radius: 0 7px 7px 0; } .icon-th-large, .icon-th-list, .icon-pause { padding: 10px; font-size: 19px; transition: 0.3s; } .switchLayout { display: none; } /****************************************/ .pluginActionsSmallIcons a, .PluginOptionsIcons a{ width: 25px; height: 25px; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } .pluginActionsSmallIcons a:hover, .PluginOptionsIcons a:hover { color: #000000; transition: 0.2s; } .pluginActionsSmallIcons { position: absolute; right: 20px; padding: 13px; top: 0px; display: flex; } .pluginActionsSmallIcons a span { display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; padding: 5px 2px; border-radius: 5px; } .pluginActionsSmallIcons a span:hover { display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; padding: 5px 2px; border-radius: 5px; } .pluginMiniBox.inactive .pluginActionsSmallIcons a span { display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; padding: 5px 2px; background: #e0e0e0; border-radius: 5px; } .pluginActionsSmallIcons a:hover { text-decoration: none; } .pluginMiniBox { transition: 0.5s; position: relative; } .unavailablePlugin { cursor: default; opacity: 0.5; } .unavailablePlugin:hover { cursor: default; color: #3a3a3a !important; } .pluginUnavailableAction { text-decoration: none !important; } .pluginDescCompact { max-width: 200px; padding: 5px 10px; } .dropdown-option-content { font-weight: bold; } .separator-top { border-top: 1px solid #ffffff45; } .dropdown-option.icon-cancel-circled { margin-bottom: -5px; } .dropdown-option { font-weight: bold; } .pluginContainer { margin-top: 75px; padding: 0 20px; } .switch { margin: 0 10px 0 0; } .plugin-inactive .pluginActions a { pointer-events: none; } .plugin-active .dropdown .delete-plugin-button { display: none; } .plugin-inactive .dropdown .plugin-restore { display: none; } .plugin-inactive .dropdown .delete-plugin-button { display: block; } .plugin-active .dropdown .plugin-restore { display: block; } .plugin-inactive .pluginActionsSmallIcons { opacity: 0.5; } .pluginNotif { display:none; position: absolute; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%); top: -20px; font-weight:bold; z-index: 2; white-space: nowrap; } .AddPluginSuccess label, .DeactivatePluginSuccess label, .RestorePluginSuccess label { padding: 10px; cursor: default; border-radius: 30px; } .PluginActionError label { padding: 10px; cursor: default; border-radius: 30px; } /* Line view */ .pluginContainer.line { display: flex; flex-direction: column; box-shadow: none; background: transparent; } .pluginContainer.line .pluginMiniBox { width: 100%; height: 50px; margin: 0 0 10px 0; } .pluginContainer.line .pluginMiniBox .pluginContent{ display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center; width: calc(100% - 35px); } .pluginContainer.line .pluginMiniBox .pluginActions{ width: auto; margin: 0 25px 0 auto; } .pluginContainer.line .pluginMiniBox .PluginOptionsBlock{ display:none; position:absolute; right: 30px; top: 0; z-index: 2; transform: translateY(calc(50% - 30px)); } .pluginContainer.line .pluginMiniBox .dropdown::after { content: " "; position: absolute; bottom: 55%; left: calc(100% + 5px); margin-left: -5px; border-width: 5px; border-style: solid; border-color: transparent transparent #ff7700 transparent; transform: rotate(90deg); } .pluginContainer.line .pluginMiniBox .pluginActions a, .pluginContainer.classic .pluginMiniBox .pluginActions a{ margin: 0; padding: 2px 10px; border-radius: 5px; color: #3c3c3c; } .pluginContainer.line .pluginMiniBox .pluginDesc{ margin: auto 10px auto 10px; display: block !important; align-items: center; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; max-width: 1000px; flex: 1; } /* Classic view */ .pluginContainer.classic { display: flex; flex-direction: row; flex-wrap: wrap; } .pluginContainer.classic .pluginMiniBoxNameCell { position: relative; margin-right: 10px; } .pluginContainer.classic .switch { position: absolute; top: 45px; } .pluginContainer.classic .pluginMiniBox .pluginActions { position: absolute; top: 47px; right: 17px; } /* Compact view */ .plugin-inactive .pluginActionsSmallIcons a { pointer-events: none; } .pluginContainer.compact { display: flex; flex-direction: row; flex-wrap: wrap; } .pluginContainer.compact .pluginMiniBox { width: 350px; margin: 15px 15px 0 0; } .pluginContainer.compact .pluginMiniBox .pluginContent { display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center; } .filter-badge { border-radius: 20px; text-align: center; padding: 0px 7px; margin-left: 10px; } .pluginMiniBox.incompatible .pluginMiniBoxNameCell i { color:#c64444; } .nbPluginsSearch { position: absolute; right: 415px; transform: translateY(18px); } </style>
drlecter schrieb:
Ich habe php nun auf 7.4 umgestellt
Eine Tour gab es auch nicht. Da war nur direkt das Einlogen fenster was ich dann auch direkt gemacht habe.
Hm, wenn ich den dem Array suche finde ich das nur in Verbindung mit Cookies. Darüber wird getriggert, wie die Liste angezeigt werden soll.
Hast du Ublock oder so laufen?
Mein Vorschlag währe einmal
DB Inhalt (tabellen usw.) löschen. Die DB selber mit Benutzer und Password kann bleiben
Das Installationsverzeichnis komplett leeren
Manuell das Zip auspacken und einmal neu installieren.
Beim Start dann ggf. mal Adlock usw. ausschalten.
Seiten: 1 2