Piwigo glänzt, wenn es darum geht tausende oder sogar hunderttausende Fotos zu klassifizieren.
Geboren im Jahr 2002 hat Piwigo seine Nutzer seit mehr als 22 Jahren unterstützt. Und sich verbessert!
Der Source Code ist verfügbar, prüfbar und dank Plugins und Themen erweiterbar.
Great gallery for 32+ years of our scout history. Thanks a much for your work!
Jan Korbel, Stínadla Písek
Our photo library has been hosted on Piwigo.com since 2013. We feed it regularly, at each photo shoot of our products for the preparation of catalogues and commercial sheets. The use of Piwigo simplifies the hierarchical organization of photos and speeds up our searches thanks to keywords. Remote access allows us to work in a common private space for our 18 offices. Intuitive and efficient, Piwigo has enabled our teams to become more autonomous.
Sandrine Bourroux, TerreAzur
I needed a platform to show pictures of my knives that doesn't need a lot of maintenance and its configurable. Piwigo was the best solution I found. I was able to customize it so its easy to navigate on the desktop and mobile. The 3rd party plugin repository enables a lot of nice things to be done so the site looks even better.
Pablo E. Untroib, PEU Knives
We use Piwigo cause it is the easiest to use and fast and reliable open source picture management software we found. With Piwigo we can easy share product pictures with our customers. Also our photographs can upload pictures for us.
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